I first met Brian Halas in the island of Nevis, on the beach in Nevis when I was talking to a friend from the Island who was at a beach bar. There are not many young foreigners on the island and she was the one who introduced us, emphasizing that we were young and we should know each other. At that time my English was not very good but from the beginning he was very kind to me and he was able to understand me, in addition to the happy energy that he emanated. We tried to exchange our numbers but we had problems writing to each other, because we don't have internet, and we agreed to meet that night in one of the few bars on the island.

At first we got to know each other more as friends, as the days went by we began to get to know each other better and enjoy each other's company and our personalities. With the arrival of the pandemic we had the time to do lock down together and that was the moment in which we got closer in a romantic way and that's when we decided to be a couple. At first I thought that when the stay in Nevis ended our relationship would end, but things continued to flow so well that we decided to give each other a chance to continue together long distance.

The long-distance relationship was seen by me as something complicated, but I think that when "someone wants, someone can" and that is how we have been prioritizing our time together, either with video calls where we tell each other our daily things, as well as sending each other some gifts that make us feel close or enjoy the most when we can be together in person. It is Brian's own work that has allowed us to see each other much more and has allowed Brian to meet my family and spend time with me. It is true that there have been hard times because we have not been able to be together in important moments or in moments when we only need a kiss and a hug, but we have given everything to make it work and I believe that our personalities have helped to allow trust and the peace of mind that we love each other and that something stronger is what brings us together, even though we are far away.

 Brian is my best friend, my partner in crime and I feel like he knows me very well and he likes who I am. With him I can be completely myself and I always receive a lot of love, peace and acceptance. In addition to taking care of myself and making me laugh a lot. His honesty, big heart and way of seeing life in such an adventurous way,the love for his family, his dedication and passion for life and flight make me feel admiration, love and pride for having him by my side. It's been more than two years together and a month of marriage and I can't wait for all the adventures that await us together.

Something that I really like about our relationship is the way in which we have built from the love and acceptance of the other, building a relationship without "buts" and out of the box, allowing us to grow freely as a couple and as individuals. Feeling happiness to continue getting to know each other, without expecting anything, just venturing into the unknown with another being that is a completely different universe. We have very different ways of expressing ourselves, but the ideas we have and the way of thinking are very similar and in cases that are not similar, it is very easy for the ideas to coexist.

Before Brian I never saw myself having such a stable relationship and committed, but with him I feel that we have built a relationship with love, tranquility, a bit of our madness (in a good way) and a lot of desire to get to know each other, experience new things together (because we both love adventure and travel) and build a family. For both Brian and me, family is a priority and now that we were married it was very beautiful how his family and mine became one, and now, I'm excited to be able to continue building the Halas Cortés family


